Prescriptions of Photonic Internet Forum (Extraction)

Article 1 This Forum is named the "Photonic Internet Forum" (hereinafter, "The Forum").
Article 2 The purpose of The Forum is to contribute to the early realization of an ultra-high-speed photonic network and ultimately to the development of worldwide info-communications technology. These advances will be achieved by assembling researchers from industries, universities, independent research institutes, experts and government to investigate directions and policies relevant to research and development of the technologies necessary for photonic network realization. The effort will be furthered by creating opportunities for information exchanges, dissemination and enlightenment with regard to the photonic network.
Article 3 In order to accomplish its purpose, The Forum shall engage in the following projects:
i. Research on an ultra-high-speed photonic network;
ii. Information exchanges regarding an ultra-high-speed photonic network;
iii. Dissemination and enlightenment regarding an ultra-high-speed photonic network;
iv. Other projects necessary to accomplish The Forum's purpose.
(an omission)
Article 6 The Forum will have the following executive structure:
i. Chairperson, one (1)
ii. Vice-chairperson, several
2. The Chairperson shall represent The Forum and shall manage its activities.
3. The Vice-chairpersons shall support the Chairperson and shall perform the duties on behalf of the Chairperson should the Chairperson be unable to act.
(an omission)
(General Meeting)
Article 7 The General Meeting is organized by the membership.
2. The regular general meeting is held once a year. Other general meetings shall be held in case of necessity as determined by the Chairperson.
(an omission)
6. The General Meeting shall decide the establishment and dissolution of The Forum as well as the following matters:
i. Enactment and revision of Provisions
ii. Election of the Executives
iii. Approval of the nominations for Managers
iv. Decisions of Basic Steering Policy
v. Decisions on other matters deemed important to guiding The Forum
(an omission)
(Steering Committee)
Article 8 The Forum shall set up the Steering Committee.
2. The Steering Committee shall be organized by the Executives and the Managers.
3. The Managers shall be chosen from the membership by the Chairperson, who shall then be approved by the General Meeting.
4. The Steering Committee shall approve applications for admission to The Forum. In addition, with reference to administration of The Forum, The Steering Committee shall put forward suggestions on important matters to the General Meeting, which shall decide on matters approved as necessary by the Chairperson.
(an omission)
Article 10 The Forum can set up Committees and Subcommittees and other action groups as needed, hereinafter referred to as "the Committees"
2. Establishment and constitution of the Committees shall be decided at the General Meeting.
(an omission)
Article 11
2. The Secretariat of The Forum shall be set up in the Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation, to handle affairs.
(an omission)